
Tech Blogs: CSDN , ZhiHu

WeChat Feed for sharing machine learning papers: PaperShare (search papershare in wechat)

About me

  • Jan, 2020 ~ 2023: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Ph.D. candidate, machine learning on graphs, cloud computing. If you are also interested in graph related machine learning such as GNN, message me for possible cooperations or discussions via PaperShare ( or email: zhengdaoli(AT)link(dot)cuhk(dot)edu(dot)cn or any tech blogs).
  • Nov, 2016 ~ Nov, 2019: Baidu, senior Bigdata and Cloud Computing Engineer.
  • Sep, 2010 ~ Apr, 2017: Bachelor, Master, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, information and telecommunication engineering.